Above was the print I made while in the type truck. It was so amazing to work with a press again. Have a look Movable Type blog. The owner is SO nice, and her work is awesome. It's definitely worth the drive if the truck is ever in your area.
To have a printing press in my home? I would swoon. This drop dead goregous space is for Studio on Fire. (They do gorgeous work btw. Check them out if you have time.)
But for now I'm looking into printing methods that aren't so... heavy.
So here's a round up of at home printing methods I've found. I know there's tons more floating around the internet, and if you happen to have some links that you think I would be gaga over (you'll most likely be right) please leave a comment.
1. Block Printing Demonstration by Urban Outfitters DIY
2. Kitchen Lithography by Émilion
3. How-to: Print on Fabric with an Inkjet Printer from the Craft: blog
4. diy Print Your Own Fabric from poppytalk
5. Lego Letterpress from Public School
6. How to Screen Print with Masking Tape from Tater Tots and Jello
7. Mini Screens from Lil Blue Boo
Went for a kinda funky style today... dunno if i like it.
No, my hips are not that big.
And this jacket is this awesome dark blue leather jacket my boyfriend bought me for my birthday.
That's all, I guess. Have an inspiring day.

29 x 23 x 8

I've gathered a pretty big collection of artists that consistently leave me breathless with their work. Instead of keeping all of this beauty to myself, I've decided to share it with the blog world. I don't know how often this series will be updated, simply because I'm not a very consistent person, but I've got enough names piled up to last for at least a couple of months of weekly posts.
This post features an artist named Annie Wu. According to her bio, she graduated from Maryland Institute of Art with a BFA in illustration. She's done work for various clients, including DC and Vertigo. Her often uses muted colors and pastels, but her style twists those colors into the realm of creepy. Her line quality allows for details, while still maintaining a playful and almost cartoony feel. She has a good eye for composition, as you can see from her book jacket designs. But enough with the words, lets get to the pretties.

Today's make list project was something I found on the blog mer mag. The projects she does with her kids are so cute. This week is different because it wasn't a tutorial, it was just a simple idea.
This is the inspiration. I fell in love with that clothes pin on first sight. So simple, so cute. It was a valentine found in the Susy Jack shop, but when I went to look, it wasn't there anymore.
These are the finished clothespins:
Just a little white pant on what I wanted to be the front, and then use a marker to make the designs. Its so easy, and takes no time at all. Sometimes the simplest things can make your life prettier.
I hope you have a pretty day!

Every once in a while (and by that I mean every 6 or so months, almost like clockwork) I need to change my hair. It's like an addiction I have. I never do anything too dramatic... my senior year I did bangs and red hair (they called me Mary Jane for the rest of the year), and I've had blue streaks quite a few times. In the more recent years I have just taken to cutting it off when I got bored, but this year I promised myself I'd grow it out. So I'm back to dying it.
I was always quite fond of the blue... it made me so happy when it fell into my eyes... so I think I'll be doing something with that.
Still unsure what though. I've gathered a bunch of images that make me all fuzzy inside. Maybe when I see them all together I'll be inspired? If not that, maybe other people could leave some ideas. :]
4) Pinterest
5) Can't Remember. :[ If you know please tell me so I can give proper credit.
If you have any ideas please leave a comment!
I hope you have a good hair day. :]
I've decided quite spontaneously to take a mini-vacation before the craziness that is summer starts. I'm still undecided as to what I'll be doing but... here's some of my inspiration. I blame the beautiful nights we've been having.
found on in my mind, there is only eternal beauty.
from Posie Gets Cozy.
found on we <3 it.
found on pinterest.com.
found on Inspirational Images.
Photo Credits: Ruffled, pinterest.com, we <3 it, Design Sponge.
found on in my mind, there is only eternal beauty.
What do you dream of for your vacations?