busy busy busy

Monday, December 17, 2012

I just wanted to start this week off with a quick apology for being so spacey for the past two weeks, and an update as to WHY I've been so spacey.

So of course there's a photo collage to explain it. 
I might be slightly addicted to making them. 

Photo one: Isn't  that a beautiful window? Its been in a lot of my day dreams these days...
Photo two: This is the main reason I've been gone. I was finishing up a continuing education class (that was a masters class... eek!) And the final paper was due last Saturday. So I was bustin my butt to try to produce the best work I could. Can you tell?
Photo three: I made this crazy bright arrow in the teen section to point out the teen top ten, and I love it.
Photo four: I've been working on (drum roll...) a web comic! I've storyboarded a few strips (about 3 months worth of weekly posts) and right now I'm working on sketching our the ideas and refining my lines to be colored. I hope to get at least a months worth done before I launch, so it'll probably be a 2013 thing. Don't expect high quality, I'm trying to keep the whole project very relaxed and fun. I will let you in on a secret, though. There will be zombies. (dun dun DUN)

So that's what's been up with me! Hopefully posting will be more consistent now, and there will DEFIANTLY be a ten things this week.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

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