the move

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

After eight months of deconstructing and reconstructing, my house has finally gotten to a stage that you could call "livable." I mean, there is still a back room full of construction supplies, and the upstairs hasn't even been touched, but the important parts of the house look polished and beautiful. My dad tackled this project with so much enthusiasm, and my mother was always there to talk about what color the walls should be, or to help paint the trim. I am eternally grateful. Seriously. This project couldn't have been done without them.

So the week of Halloween (before I had received the life-changing pumpkin) I decided it was time to move in. On a random Tuesday night. In the rain. Without the fan-fare that I had thought would come with me finally moving, I packed up my cat, the litter box, my computer, and what few clothes I hadn't moved in yet, and hauled it all into town. I unpacked everything by myself. The trunk closed on my head. Yay independence, right? Haha.

I love my new house. It has cheerful walls and beautiful floors and an awesome light that can slide up and down (that we found in our basement). It's full of colors and weird things, and I've already had two real parties and one pseudo-party. Odin is still adjusting, but I think when we get the cat tree in he'll realize how much this place is perfect for us.

After a little bit of tweaking (like hanging art or actually sewing my curtains) I'll post some room tours. I can't wait to show you my new space!

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