Whew! I didn't realize it until I started going through my old posts, but 2015 was a big year on this blog! So of course, I thought I'd round up a few of my favorite posts and share them with you here. I love going back and looking through my blog like this. It's so affirming. Like, yeah, I have days where I feel like nothing is going right, where I haven't gotten anything done, or that I have no control in what's going on. So posts like this are reminders to myself that my life is constantly changing for the better.
In January I finally found the time to post all about my wedding! It was a huge series of posts, which can all be found under the tag wedding stuff.
I guess all that wedding talk left me in a romantic mood, because I had not one but two diys for Valentines Day! The date night printables are a super easy gift. And my punny Kenetic Sand gifts were a hit at work.
In March I shared where we went on our honeymoon, and the honeymoon mini scrapbook I made!
In May I started my new INVITES + INSPIRATION series, which I've had a lot of fun creating! I loved my cookie bake-off invite, because it's so colorful and fun. And my girl's night flower invite makes me smile every time I see it.
In September I started my healthy lifestyle series. I also shared my library's big summer event: HPLD Nerd Con! I created a star-gazing party invite, full of colors that I love. And last but not least, I shared my living room space and all of the hard work it took to get it to where it is now!
In October I finished out my healthy lifestyle goals, and I wrote a post about our library's dystopian event. That event is one of my favorite teen events we've ever had at the library!
In November I shared a fun set of Thanksgiving printables. I also talked all about my adventures in England, including Bath, London, and the Harry Potter Studios!
December was super busy for me, but I had time to start my Harry Potter challenge! Also (and I didn't share this on the blog) I was able to try something I've wanted to do for a long time, and that's streaming on Twitch! If you're into watching people play video games, checkout my channel at twitch.tv/giasaur!
So, that's my year! I wasn't lying when I said that there was a ton of things. Ever year is more and more exciting, and I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!
And if you'd like to see my past round up posts, you can check them out here: