It's International Women's Day! And I just wanted to use my little space to introduce you to an influencer who has really inspired me lately.
This is Rachel Metz. An at-home DIYer turned YouTuber who uses her platform to not only share amazing projects but to do so in a way that is incredibly empowering. She makes using heavy-duty power tools look like nothing. She does everything from building furniture from scratch (and not just side tables, I'm talking full-on bars) to redecorating entire rooms, floor to ceiling. And does it all in a way that makes you think "that doesn't look so bad. I could totally do that." She seems to have an attitude that says "I can. And if I can't, I'll learn." She's not afraid to show that she doesn't know everything, but no matter what tool she needs to use, no matter how hard the work is, she gets the job done. She is, in a word, a badass.
And when I say she has inspired me, I mean directly. I'm generally a clumsy person, so I tend to stay away from power tools because I'd rather keep all of my fingers. But as I dream up bigger and bigger projects, I'm starting to feel guilty asking for help with things I'm pretty sure I could do on my own if I just womaned up and picked up the dang tools. Enter: the compost bin.
Let us go back to last year, a year where I spend a few seconds after every meal mourning the scraps we are putting into the trash. You see, I grew up in the country, and we always had a compost bucket where all our scraps would go. When it got full we'd dump the scraps into a pile in the timber. It was just how it was. Now, though, I live in town. And I feel like my neighbors wouldn't look too kindly on having a pile of food scraps in my back yard. So I started researching compost bins. Fast forward a year and I am still getting an uncomfortable feeling every time I throw away food.
What's tripping me up with this compost bin is that I'll have to drill holes into a plastic tote to get things started. And a drill is a power tool, so I better not touch it. But then I'm watching Rachel Metz' channel and shes doing WAY more scary things, and then there's a warm day, and we go to farm store and there's a tub that's the perfect size for what I need. Everything aligns and before I know it I have a drill in my hand and I'm calling my dad to find out how to change out the drill bit.
And guys... I did it. And I still have all my fingers.
I know it's small, but it's a start.
So thank you, Rachel Metz, for giving me the confidence to sit down and figure out how to complete a project. You are awesome, and an inspiration to me and everyone else who has followed your journey.
Links for Rachel Metz:
And if you want to make your own compost bin, here is a link to the tutorial I used.
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